Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Valuable Tips For Dating Successful People Online

Date Successful People
All too often I hear girls tell me about how someone they meet isn’t what they wrote in their profile. Its the Internet and of course everyone knows you can’t believe everything you see – but then you come across this profile where everything just seem right and your heart gets the better of you… What do you do? You don’t want to pass up the opportunity to meet Mr. Right but he just seems too good to be true.
There are some basic ways to weed out the good from the bad. Of course experience is the best teacher, but hopefully these tips will save you a little heartbreak.
First, lets state the obvious. Most millionaires are going to be somewhat older and have lives and careers established. It’s just the fact of life – even if you earn an extremely good salary (6 figures) it still takes most people a while to accumulate wealth. Rock stars and entrepreneurs are excluded from rule, but just be aware that they are in the minority (and if he IS a rock star, then you could easily Google him).
So if a guy is young, single, and lots of free time, and claims to be a millionaire, he is either in the very small minority of millionaires or a fake.
Next, use Tineye: especially for members without verified photos, there is a tool called tineye that will search the web to find if the picture was ripped from another site. If your hot bodied millionaire has pics ripped from a surfing mag, chances are good he isn’t the guy you are going to meet.
If someone claims he owns a company, or is the CEO of such and such, it is a very simple matter these days to Google his name to find out if it is true.
If you are meeting someone for the first time, do so in a public place. Later if you do agree to meet him at his residence (which may or may not be possible depending on his relationship status!), ask for his address and Zillow it. This will not only give you an indication of the value of his property but also the neighborhood he is in.
The amount of money he spends on you is not necessarily a good indicator of his wealth. Many millionaires do not like to lavish gifts on their sugar babies right off the bat, although if he is asking you to get the check after a meal that is an indicator that its time to say adios. However, you should look at his demeanor – how does he fit in his skin, so to speak. Is he intelligent, articulate, comfortable in his surroundings? Most millionaires do NOT dress to the nines but rather most dress casually, but smartly. Little trinkets like a Rolex watch might be a giveaway but overdoing it is a sign of a fake. Ultimately there are people who are pros at faking wealth so in the end you have to look at their bank account to really know if they have what they say – which probably is never going to happen. But, if he is treating you good and he can show you the life, then does it really matter?

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