Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How To Have A Successful Online Dating Experience

With the internet dating world expanding as fast as it is, there’s no wonder more and more people are jumping onboard. There’s really nothing to loose by giving it a try after all. I mean you don’t know these people so there’s no real fear of rejection. The online dating experience is great for people new to the dating scene or that haven’t had much luck in the dating world. It gives them a chance to get their feet wet. You can connect with others without having to swallow the face to face rejection which we all know can be heart breaking. So if you’re one of those people out there that is truly looking for a successful online dating experience here are some helpful tips.
1. Build a great profile! Your profile is the first insight people have on you. What you choose to share with potential candidates is very important. It’s important for you to be imaginative and creative. You want to sound confident, without sounding cocky and try to use some humor. Everyone loves to be around a person with a good sense of humor and can laugh at themselves. List things that you enjoy doing for fun so it makes it easy for others to find common interests with you.
2. Post RECENT good looking pictures of YOURSELF! Believe it or not looks really aren’t everything. Women and men both look for so much more than just a good looker when it comes to settling down. Obviously there needs to be an attraction but that’s just about it. Don’t post up pictures from years ago that don’t look like you now. Sooner or later you hope to meet in person and you don’t want to get that far to get turned down on false advertisement.
3. Be patient! Remember that not everyone checks their emails everyday or every second of everyday. Keep in mind it can take a few days to hear a response from people. Some people will never respond and that’s okay! Email multiple people that have caught your attention. However, make sure to keep the facts straight and don’t get them mixed up. It’s important to creative and engaging. Ask questions to keep them interested and have them looking for your emails over the rest. Keep it personal without getting too personal. If you see they being very short with their answers it’s a sign of lack of interest so move on to the next. (Don’t talk about sex!)
4. Don’t rush things! Email back and forth at least 3-4 times before asking for phone numbers or Facebook information. Text back and forth or talk on the phone a couple times before planning to meet. The more you get to know about each other, the more likely you are to have a true connection. Don’t worry about rejection! You don’t know these people, so who cares. You’ll win some and you’ll lose some, just keep it going!

Monday, April 7, 2014

5 Important Qualities Needed To Keep A Wealthy Man

 When it comes to dating wealthy men there is so much to keep in mind. One important thing to know and remember is that getting him is the easy part. However, keeping him is the next step and the much more difficult part. And if you think that your looks and bedroom skills are enough sorry to tell you but you are sadly mistaken. Yes, your looks and sex skills might be enough to get him and keep his attention for a little while but that’s it. Especially now that sex is so easy to come by especially for a wealthy man. Remember no matter how good you are there’s someone else out their that is just as good if not better no matter how many tricks you have up your sleeve. You simple have to face the facts that if you want to keep that man you’re gonna have to do more than just look cute and be good in bed.
We all know that every guy is different. They all have their own “wish list” and set of priorities. Something are simple more important to some men than others. However, there are a few main things that most if not all men do look for in a life partner.
1. Be a people person with a warm personality-
Most wealthy men are required to attend and host all sorts of meetings and get togethers with colleges and customers. It is important that you are able to get along with everyone and make them feel welcomed. It’s going to take more than just your looks you’re going to need to use your charm and have a warm and inviting personality.
2. Be able to hold a conversations of interest to him-
While many people get caught up talking about people it’s important that you stay away from that. Remember the famous quote “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”
3. Know how to cook-
While most your meals may be eaten out, even wealthy men want to be able to enjoy a home cooked meal. It’s important to know your way around the kitchen and be able to put your love into a dish. As mentioned earlier in many cases they tend to have to host events and they are going to want you to be able to cook up a night they’ll never forget.
4. Be appreciative and grateful-
No matter how small of a gesture it is, you should always show appreciation. They are not required to do anything nice for you so if they do you should show them just how grateful you are. They last thing you want is for them to feel unappreciated!
5. Take an interest in his hobbies-
All guys have hobbies and they take them very seriously. Whether they are nto sports, video games, skydiving you name it, make sure to take part in it. Don’t just sit their with a look of boredom on your face. Get involved, try it out and if it’s just not for you then at least be a supportive cheerleader rooting them on.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 Signs That Your Wealthy Man Will Ask You To Marry Him

Every woman wants to get married eventually and of course they dream about that special day. You can be in a relationship with a rich man for a couple of months to years and never know when he will pop the question to you. There are definitely signs a man gives off when he is ready to make his girlfriend his wife. If you notice these signs, don’t pressure him to be giving you that ring sooner than he is planning too. Don’t ruin the moment for him as it is a huge step for him as well. Here are the 5 Signs That Your Wealthy Man Will Ask You To Marry Him:
1. He lets you know that you are “the one” and that you are the only one for him. He is making it clear to you that he sees a future with you. This is an amazing thing for a woman to know.
2. He wants you to move in with him and share his entire home with you. He knows that you will value his home and he wants you to be comfortable in it. He isn’t hiding anything from you and this shows by him giving you the keys to his home and allowing you to move your things in.
3. He wants to open a joint bank account with you. This shows you that he truly sees a future with you and is willing to share his money with you too. He knows that this type of trust is only for the one.
4. He invites you to all of the family functions. You are never left out and you are always welcomed at his family homes. All of the holiday dinners and events he brings you and includes in conversations with his family. He is letting you know that his family is now your family.
5. He talks and shares with you. If he confides in you about his problems regarding work and such it shows that he trusts you. He views you as an equal and feels that you make him want to do better in work when things go south as he wants to support you. Plus, your support and advice about his work problems lets him know that you are on his team.
Remember, when a man is ready to get married he will ask you. Do not put pressure on him to do it when you want it. It has to be done at the right moment. When the day comes as he asks for your hand in marriage just give a big, sweet kiss.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Signs Your Dating A Gold Digger

Just because you enjoy dating wealthy people doesn’t necessarily make you a gold digger. Maybe they’ve been raised in a certain lifestyle that you wish to maintain. Maybe they’re a hard worker that makes good money and wants the same from their significant other. However, one must be ware of the gold diggers lurking near by. Gold diggers aren’t just women; men and homosexuals can be gold diggers just the same. Here are some great tips on things you should look for; when trying to decide if they’re a gold digger or truly into you.
Signs Of A Gold Digger
Financial status questions – They will usually ask upfront about your financial status, how many homes you own, what kind of car you drive, marital status, kids etc.
Needs money to pay their rent/bills – They will ask or hint for money and or gifts all the time. They will talk about their financial problems and hint/ask for help. Always looking for a hand out and ready for a shopping spree as long as you’re paying.
When you ask them what they’d like to do for an evening or weekend they will always come out with something very expensive. They’ll never offer to pay or do something that doesn’t require spending big bucks.
Selfishness- This person will only go out of their way for others if there’s some kind of big payoff for themselves.
Big & Expensive plans for the future – However they are too lazy to actually do anything to accomplish it. Leaving it to someone else to get it or make it happen for them.
Gold diggers either don’t work or usually work in places that require little work from them- This gives them the opportunities to meet money makers. (Spas, resorts, clubs etc.)
Looking for the next victim – Pay attention to just how much attention they are paying to your wealthy friends and others you may come across.
Do a background check – Look for financial discrepancies, whether they had a real job, moved around a lot etc
Ask to meet the family – You can discover a lot about a person from getting to know their family.
Use sex as a thank you – Think about it do you only have wild intense sex after you’ve given them an expensive gift or had an expensive outing?
Last but not least… They have more attitude then gratitude! They act as though you are required to take care of them, pay their bills and buy them gifts.