Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Signs Your Dating A Gold Digger

Just because you enjoy dating wealthy people doesn’t necessarily make you a gold digger. Maybe they’ve been raised in a certain lifestyle that you wish to maintain. Maybe they’re a hard worker that makes good money and wants the same from their significant other. However, one must be ware of the gold diggers lurking near by. Gold diggers aren’t just women; men and homosexuals can be gold diggers just the same. Here are some great tips on things you should look for; when trying to decide if they’re a gold digger or truly into you.
Signs Of A Gold Digger
Financial status questions – They will usually ask upfront about your financial status, how many homes you own, what kind of car you drive, marital status, kids etc.
Needs money to pay their rent/bills – They will ask or hint for money and or gifts all the time. They will talk about their financial problems and hint/ask for help. Always looking for a hand out and ready for a shopping spree as long as you’re paying.
When you ask them what they’d like to do for an evening or weekend they will always come out with something very expensive. They’ll never offer to pay or do something that doesn’t require spending big bucks.
Selfishness- This person will only go out of their way for others if there’s some kind of big payoff for themselves.
Big & Expensive plans for the future – However they are too lazy to actually do anything to accomplish it. Leaving it to someone else to get it or make it happen for them.
Gold diggers either don’t work or usually work in places that require little work from them- This gives them the opportunities to meet money makers. (Spas, resorts, clubs etc.)
Looking for the next victim – Pay attention to just how much attention they are paying to your wealthy friends and others you may come across.
Do a background check – Look for financial discrepancies, whether they had a real job, moved around a lot etc
Ask to meet the family – You can discover a lot about a person from getting to know their family.
Use sex as a thank you – Think about it do you only have wild intense sex after you’ve given them an expensive gift or had an expensive outing?
Last but not least… They have more attitude then gratitude! They act as though you are required to take care of them, pay their bills and buy them gifts.

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